We here at JJ Bison talk a lot about the health benefits of Bison, especially when compared to regular beef. But what are the facts so you don’t need to take our word for it?

Let’s start with the obvious. Like most meats, Bison is high in protein. Protein is one of the three macronutrient categories, but unlike foods containing high levels of fats and carbohydrates, high protein foods promote a feeling of fullness. This is partially due to the fact that it takes the body more time and energy to digest protein. We also know that muscles require protein to build and maintain. Those undertaking diets for weight loss should continue eating high protein foods to prevent muscular dystrophy while losing weight.
With that in mind, let’s compare the average protein content per serving in Bison vs. beef. The USDA lists the average protein per 4 oz. of ground Bison at 28.8 grams. Beef, on the other hand, contains 19 grams of protein. Clearly, Bison is the winner.
Next, let’s consider the macronutrient fat. Fats have mixed reception in the health industry with some recommending cutting out fat together to others recommending the Atkins diet allowing unlimited consumption of saturated fat. While some types of fats are used by the body for energy and hormone regulation, most reputable health organizations recommend reducing the intake of saturated fatty acids. Studies have shown increased consumption of saturated fat leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular health issues.
Again, looking at the USDA statistics for Bison meat, we find that Bison is naturally low in saturated fat at 3.9 grams per 4 oz. serving. Beef contains more than double the saturated fat of Bison at 9 grams per 4 oz. serving. Bison wins again!
Finally, we like to look at the benefits of Bison when trying to keep the planet healthy. Our Bison are grass-fed and raised on open pastures. Beef is often factory-farmed, meaning the cattle are packed together in crowded living conditions where they are fed a steady diet of grain, soy, and growth hormones. In these conditions, the disease can spread quickly so the herd is usually pumped full of antibiotics. Our Bison are prohibited from receiving any form of growth hormone and need very little to no antibiotics to stay healthy. Bison are also known to produce fewer greenhouse gasses than cattle. Bison grazing is also typically better for the ecosystem as they are the original North American animal.
Overall, Bison win in just about every category when compared to beef. Our Bison meat packs in all the wonderful flavors with extra protein, less saturated fat, and are sustainably farmed. Once you go Bison, you won’t want to go back!
Contact us today https://www.jjbison.com/contact-us, email us at meat@jjbison.com, or call us at (443) 252 - 2099 to order your bison today!